Your Καλαθι
The Acropolis
The Acropolis, the Monuments and the Museum

Historic Introduction
The Prehistoric Age - The Archaic period - The Periklean plan
The Classical Buildings
The Parthenon - The Propylaia - The Temple of Athena Nike - The Erechtheion
The Museum
Archaic Sculptures
Pedimental compositions - Early Archaic votive offerings - The Archaic Korai
The pediment of the temple of the Peisistratidai
Classical Sculptures
From Archaic to Classical Art - The Parthenon Sculptures
The Sculptures from the parapet of the temple of Athena Nike
Historic Introduction
The Prehistoric Age - The Archaic period - The Periklean plan
The Classical Buildings
The Parthenon - The Propylaia - The Temple of Athena Nike - The Erechtheion
The Museum
Archaic Sculptures
Pedimental compositions - Early Archaic votive offerings - The Archaic Korai
The pediment of the temple of the Peisistratidai
Classical Sculptures
From Archaic to Classical Art - The Parthenon Sculptures
The Sculptures from the parapet of the temple of Athena Nike
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