Your Καλαθι
China-Greece Exchanges
Listen to the Echoes of Five Thousand Years

China-Greece Exchanges: Listen to the Echoes
of Five Thousand Years presents a dynamic
dialogue between two ancient and yet much
alive civilizations, China and Greece. It threads a
series of carefully picked symbols that would
unfailingly stir collective emotions in both
nations, from coinage, weaponry and
handicraft, to mythology, philosophers and
poets, and weaves them into four main patterns
of their own national fabric, namely economy,
politics, culture and society. Readers who have
had only an inkling of the two great civilizations
would find themselves in no better position to
indulge themselves with a treat of cultural
treasures. It is our belief that no one would fail
to notice the profundity of the China-Greece
exchanges, and it is our endeavour to show you,
the reader, the long-lasting contributions these
two great nations have made, are making, and
will make.
of Five Thousand Years presents a dynamic
dialogue between two ancient and yet much
alive civilizations, China and Greece. It threads a
series of carefully picked symbols that would
unfailingly stir collective emotions in both
nations, from coinage, weaponry and
handicraft, to mythology, philosophers and
poets, and weaves them into four main patterns
of their own national fabric, namely economy,
politics, culture and society. Readers who have
had only an inkling of the two great civilizations
would find themselves in no better position to
indulge themselves with a treat of cultural
treasures. It is our belief that no one would fail
to notice the profundity of the China-Greece
exchanges, and it is our endeavour to show you,
the reader, the long-lasting contributions these
two great nations have made, are making, and
will make.
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