Your Καλαθι
Atlas Of Architecture Today

One of the outstanding and distinctive aspects of contemporary architecture is the way it boldly breaks barriers established to date. Architects are designing previously unimaginable constructions, crossing limits that were unattainable until now, defying the law of gravity and awarding the exterior a prominence it did not use to have. This has all been possible thanks to the use of advances in technology that has made it possible to accomplish major projects. Today nearly all large scale architectural works, designed by illustrious architects of international renown, and are created with the aid of computer programs developed especially for this purpose. Notions such as the deformation of the form and the limit is unlimited? form part of recent and future architecture.
These new buildings also perform an important cultural, political and social function. Although these extraordinary forms may at first appear to run counter to concepts such as environmentalism, and pragmatism, the reality suggests just the opposite. Contemporary architecture has to seek and establish a balance between the impact the construction produces and the conservation of an intact environment. Modern buildings are designed following parameters of sustainability, energy-saving, and the reduction of environmental pollution, with photovoltaic installations, practicality and the use of a great variety of building materials. The designs in this compendium are organised on the basis of the geographical are where they were built, classified into six groups: America, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Eurasia, Asia and Oceania.
The principal characteristics of the architectural works presented in this book pertain to different typologies: infrastructure and urban development (airports, urban transport, squares, parades, streets, bridges); cultural facilities (museums, universities, schools and art centres); leisure facilities (theatres, cinemas, auditoriums, shopping malls); inhabitable buildings (business headquarters, office blocks, etc.), and, finally, spiritual buildings (churches, mosques, synagogues, and others). All of these works, which untie aesthetics, building technique, relationship with the environment, and sustainability, are extraordinary examples of architecture in the age of globalisation.
These new buildings also perform an important cultural, political and social function. Although these extraordinary forms may at first appear to run counter to concepts such as environmentalism, and pragmatism, the reality suggests just the opposite. Contemporary architecture has to seek and establish a balance between the impact the construction produces and the conservation of an intact environment. Modern buildings are designed following parameters of sustainability, energy-saving, and the reduction of environmental pollution, with photovoltaic installations, practicality and the use of a great variety of building materials. The designs in this compendium are organised on the basis of the geographical are where they were built, classified into six groups: America, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Eurasia, Asia and Oceania.
The principal characteristics of the architectural works presented in this book pertain to different typologies: infrastructure and urban development (airports, urban transport, squares, parades, streets, bridges); cultural facilities (museums, universities, schools and art centres); leisure facilities (theatres, cinemas, auditoriums, shopping malls); inhabitable buildings (business headquarters, office blocks, etc.), and, finally, spiritual buildings (churches, mosques, synagogues, and others). All of these works, which untie aesthetics, building technique, relationship with the environment, and sustainability, are extraordinary examples of architecture in the age of globalisation.
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