Your Καλαθι
Museum of Marble Crafts

The Museum of Marble Crafts on Tinos has been created I with much love and great care and attention. To this contributed a happy coincidence of circumstances, which allowed the Piraeus Bank Croup Cultural Foundation, the Region of the South Aegean, the external collaborators and the local society to work together in an extraordinary climate of mutual goodwill and common conception. The result is a modern pole of attraction for the island's visitors, as well as for its inhabitants of all ages: schoolchildren, young people and Tinians of the older generation.
Our aim is for this space to continue to be a venue of cultural activity for local people as well as a source of information for visitors, on the history and art of the Tinian master craftsmen, who thanks to their talent, inspiration and hard work not only left their mark on their native island, but also shaped major urban centres in Greece during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. We are proud because in the network of PIOP regional museums, the Museum of Marble Crafts on Tinos holds a special place for its outstandingly effective collaboration with the local society.
The present guidebook will make your visit to the museum even easier and more fruitful. At the same time, it will help you to 'take away with you' the picture of the art of marble working, as well as, in part, the picture of a society that lived and flourished thanks to the Tinians' talent and toil.
We hope that your visit to the museum will be one more reason for you to return again and again to Tinos, this blessed isle in the Aegean Sea.
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