Your Καλαθι
The ascetic of love Mother Gavrillia

A JOURNEY INTO THE HEART OF LOVE IN 94 YEARS AND 4 CONTINENTS "We all look anxious! What has happened here? The scene of joy has been lost. This is very serious! In India they are awaiting Christ and their waiting is joyful. We 'have' Him but do not reflect Him. We are guilty for this. Terribly guilty..." "Where you go, what you do, how you live, whether you help others, is of less significance. Only one thing is important: the Quality and the Quantity of the Love you give to all - to all, without discrimination". "What would you do if the Lord were Present and Visible? would you do this or that, if He were here, by your side?... This thought protects you from sin." "From Love and beyond... the Will of God will guide you and teach you how to speak." "Since I am always submitted to the Will of God, I cannot be anxious!" "I am of the eleventh hour...but the Lord said that even those of the last hour are to work." "When we become the mirror in which the Other sees his own reflection and this mirror is filled with joy, he will surely see joy too." "We have need of three things: first, Faith... second, Faith... third, Faith."
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