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ESB C2 10 Practice tests Student’s Book

ESB C2 10 Practice Tests contains material which fully meets the requirements of the examination. The tests have been compiled following close evaluation of past examinations and sample material. The content, level and format of each test accurately reflect those of the examination. Candidates are offered ample practice for the examination and have the opportunity both to familiarise themselves with the format and to improve their knowledge of the English language.
Listening tasks feature native English speakers talking at a normal rate and using a variety of accents.
Reading texts have been taken from a variety of sources, covering a wide range of topics similar to those encountered in the examination.
Audio Material (Free download)
Listening tasks feature native English speakers talking at a normal rate and using a variety of accents.
Reading texts have been taken from a variety of sources, covering a wide range of topics similar to those encountered in the examination.
Audio Material (Free download)
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