Your Καλαθι
Γάλα, αίμα / Milk, blood

Το καλοκαίρι του ’58, σ’ ένα χωριό της ελληνικής επαρχίας, μια γυναίκα σκοτώνει τα δυο της παιδιά. Σύμφωνα με τη συγγραφέα, Αλεξάνδρα Κ*, το έργο μεταφέρει τη Μήδεια σε μια εποχή που η γυναίκα μόλις αρχίζει να αντιλαμβάνεται πως η ζωή δεν επιφυλάσσει την ίδια τύχη στα δύο φύλα. Η Ξένη έχει περάσει χρόνια περιορισμένη στους ρόλους της κόρης, της συζύγου και της μητέρας, υπό το άγρυπνο μάτι της στενής κοινωνίας όπου την έφεραν να ζήσει. Όταν ο άντρας της παντρεύεται μιαν άλλη γυναίκα, και η ίδια δεν έχει πια κανέναν ρόλο να υπηρετήσει, ψάχνει να βρει τι έχει απομείνει απ’ αυτήν ακόμα ζωντανό.
During the summer of '58, in a Greek village, a woman kills her two children. In this play, Alexandra K* brings Medea into an era in which women have just begun to realize that life doesn't hold the same fate for both sexes. Xeni, or the Stranger, has spent years trapped in the roles of daughter, wife, and mother, and now lives under the watching eye of the stifling community where she has been brought to live. When her husband marries another woman and she is left with no role to play, the Stranger struggles to discover what, if anything, remains alive inside her.
During the summer of '58, in a Greek village, a woman kills her two children. In this play, Alexandra K* brings Medea into an era in which women have just begun to realize that life doesn't hold the same fate for both sexes. Xeni, or the Stranger, has spent years trapped in the roles of daughter, wife, and mother, and now lives under the watching eye of the stifling community where she has been brought to live. When her husband marries another woman and she is left with no role to play, the Stranger struggles to discover what, if anything, remains alive inside her.
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