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Attitudes to women's access in higher education

The book investigates attitudes and views on women's access to higher education in Jordan, focusing on the challenges they face. The data, derived from research, highlights the societal attitudes towards women pursuing university education and their professional reintegration post-graduation. The research confirms the rapid development of Jordan's education system and the positive stance on equal access for women, placing Jordan at the forefront of education among Arabic-speaking nations. Key findings reveal that profession-related choices heavily influence university selection, and participants typically have clear career goals. Family support plays a significant role, with families respecting and supporting the educational and professional ambitions of girls, even when parental opinions differ. This supportive attitude is prevalent among both parents, emphasizing the autonomy of the girls' choices. Jordanian society also encourages women to develop practical skills and technical knowledge related to their degrees, highlighting the importance of specialized computer programs and critical thinking abilities. The educational attainment of parents, especially fathers, significantly impacts the higher education opportunities for girls, suggesting that higher parental education levels correlate with increased educational aspirations and achievements in daughters.
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