Your Καλαθι
Η Χιονονιφάδα θέλει να γίνει η νέα Χιονάτη / Snowflake wants to be the new Snow White

Ένα κοριτσάκι νομίζει ότι θα γίνει η νέα Χιονάτη, είναι όμορφη και πιστεύει ότι αυτό αρκεί για να κάνει ένα πρίγκιπα να την αγαπήσει. Τί ρόλο παίζει η νέα γυναίκα του μπαμπά της; Μπορεί να είναι καλή και να την αγαπάει; Πόσο αλλάζει η Χιονονιφάδα μέσα από τις περιπέτειές της στο δάσος; Πόσο την βοηθάνε τα ζώα;
A little girl thinks that she is going to become the new Snow White, she is beautiful and she believes that it is enough to get a prince love her. What role does her dad's new wife play? Can she be nice and love her? How much does Snowflake change through her adventures in the forest? How much do the animals help her?
A little girl thinks that she is going to become the new Snow White, she is beautiful and she believes that it is enough to get a prince love her. What role does her dad's new wife play? Can she be nice and love her? How much does Snowflake change through her adventures in the forest? How much do the animals help her?
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