Your Καλαθι
Reflections / Στοχασμοί

Οι Στοχασμοί του Ανδρέα Λασκαράτου είναι σύντομα κείμενα σε μορφή διαλογισμών, που αποτυπώνουν τις ασυμβίβαστες αλλά και επίκαιρες όσο ποτέ θέσεις του, για θέματα ηθικά, θρησκευτικά, πολιτικά και γενικότερα κοινωνικά. Εξάλλου όπως είχε γράψει και ο ίδιος στην αρχή του χειρογράφου του, “Κάθε άλλο μου σύγγραμμα είναι απλώς μόνον σύγγραμμά μου· οι Στοχασμοί μου όμως είμαι εγώ”.
Much of his writing is savagely satirical, but his Reflections set out calmly, clearly and wittily his uncompromising and finely reasoned beliefs. As the essence of his thought they could be read with profit by present-day politicians and teachers of any nationality, and indeed by everybody with an interest in social and moral questions.
Much of his writing is savagely satirical, but his Reflections set out calmly, clearly and wittily his uncompromising and finely reasoned beliefs. As the essence of his thought they could be read with profit by present-day politicians and teachers of any nationality, and indeed by everybody with an interest in social and moral questions.
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