Your Καλαθι
Mistress Troika, Zorba the Greek and a Molotov Cocktail

The plotless narrative of a pilotless wandering.
An unholy Trinity, Zόrba, the Wanderer and the Narrator, drifting in downtown Athens in Times of Troika.
Decay, wrath, darkness, clashes, riots, molotovs,
rendezvous and political debates in Locomotiva, a cafe situated in Exarcheia Square, the flaming heart of Athens.
Dreams, realism, surrealism, intense voluptuousness,
Eros, Thanatos and criminal femmes fatales,
causing thousands fatalities.
We the living in Times of Troika.
Is there any hope in the Wasteland?
Is the wandering pilotless indeed or
there is a driving force behind it?
An unholy Trinity, Zόrba, the Wanderer and the Narrator, drifting in downtown Athens in Times of Troika.
Decay, wrath, darkness, clashes, riots, molotovs,
rendezvous and political debates in Locomotiva, a cafe situated in Exarcheia Square, the flaming heart of Athens.
Dreams, realism, surrealism, intense voluptuousness,
Eros, Thanatos and criminal femmes fatales,
causing thousands fatalities.
We the living in Times of Troika.
Is there any hope in the Wasteland?
Is the wandering pilotless indeed or
there is a driving force behind it?
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