Your Καλαθι
Pontic Hellenism

Antiquity – Empire of Trebizond – Ottoman period – Genocide – Guerrilla warfare - Persecution in the former USSR – Notable cities
Αρχαιότητα - Αυτοκρατορία Τραπεζούντος - Τουρκοκρατία - Γενοκτονία - Αντάρτικο - Διώξεις στην πρ. ΕΣΣΔ - Μεγάλες πόλεις και Μονές - Βιογραφίες προσωπικοτήτων
The preface to a book is not usually read for two reasons. The first is that the reader is in a hurry to get to the main body of the text, which is what they bought the book for. The second is that prefaces tend simply to praise the author. We will try to avoid the latter since the former is beyond our control. Dr Ioannis Papafloratos has already written eighteen books, including the seminal two-volume The history of the Greek Army 1833-1949. His long-standing and selfless affection and interest in Pontic Greeks and their culture are widely known. After all, he has been endeavouring to introduce the Pontic genocide as a teaching subject in military academies for many years. [...] (From the publisher)
Αρχαιότητα - Αυτοκρατορία Τραπεζούντος - Τουρκοκρατία - Γενοκτονία - Αντάρτικο - Διώξεις στην πρ. ΕΣΣΔ - Μεγάλες πόλεις και Μονές - Βιογραφίες προσωπικοτήτων
The preface to a book is not usually read for two reasons. The first is that the reader is in a hurry to get to the main body of the text, which is what they bought the book for. The second is that prefaces tend simply to praise the author. We will try to avoid the latter since the former is beyond our control. Dr Ioannis Papafloratos has already written eighteen books, including the seminal two-volume The history of the Greek Army 1833-1949. His long-standing and selfless affection and interest in Pontic Greeks and their culture are widely known. After all, he has been endeavouring to introduce the Pontic genocide as a teaching subject in military academies for many years. [...] (From the publisher)
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