Your Καλαθι
Current surgical techniques
A practical guide

The writers present an up-to-date handbook serving as guide for surgical operations in the field of general surgery. The book provides theoretical knowledge and, at the same time, practical, step by step descriptions accompanied by hand-made sketches, supporting surgeons in their efforts to renew their pledge to the core values of professionalism. This bi-fold presentation constitutes a great advantage. All drawings made by Spyros T. Papavramidis are characterized by simplicity and clarity, incorporating the knowledge and the long experience of the authors.
It consists of 5 chapters, each dedicated to the treatment of one of the five organs (liver, biliary tract, pancreas, duodenum and spleen). In each chapter is provided theoretical knowledge (a description of indications, contraindications, complications, morbidity and mortality) on the left page, which is always followed by corresponding sketches on the right one. The same procedure is followed regarding the step-by-step description of the surgical techniques. At the end of each description, bibliography is added. In any case, the reader should seek any information on the left page and any corresponding sketch on the right one
It consists of 5 chapters, each dedicated to the treatment of one of the five organs (liver, biliary tract, pancreas, duodenum and spleen). In each chapter is provided theoretical knowledge (a description of indications, contraindications, complications, morbidity and mortality) on the left page, which is always followed by corresponding sketches on the right one. The same procedure is followed regarding the step-by-step description of the surgical techniques. At the end of each description, bibliography is added. In any case, the reader should seek any information on the left page and any corresponding sketch on the right one
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