Your Καλαθι
Η κόκκινη νύχτα και οι ημέρες των χρωμάτων

... Και τον χώρο τον νιώθεις αλλιώς. Οι άσφαλτοι της πόλης λικνίζονται και τα κτίρια μεταμορφώνονται. Ακόμα και αυτά που σε πλήγωσαν με την ασχήμια τους και την αυθάδειά τους δείχνουν να μη θέλουν να κρατήσουν πεισματικά τις αντιαισθητικές γραμμές τους. Διαχέονται προς κάθε κατεύθυνση. Ο χώρος ρευστοποιείται. Ο χρόνος ρευστοποιείται. Η μηχανή πάντα στην άκρη του χεριού να καταγράφει την κάθε στιγμή. Τώρα όμως από μόνη της αναδεικνύει θέματα. Χωρίς κάποιο μάτι να την καθοδηγεί! Η μηχανή ακολουθεί του σώματος την κίνηση και γράφει από αίσθηση...
... And space has a different feeling. The city roads are swinging and the buildings are becoming transformed. Even those buildings, which have hurt your aesthetic and your feelings with their ugliness and audacity, look like they no more want to obstinately keep their ugly lines. The buildings diffuse their presence in every direction. Space is liquefied. Time is fluid. The camera attached to the palm of a hand registering every moment. But now it is starting to capture scenes by itself! There is no eye to direct the lens. The camera follows the movement of the body and keeps on recording with a sense of its own...
... And space has a different feeling. The city roads are swinging and the buildings are becoming transformed. Even those buildings, which have hurt your aesthetic and your feelings with their ugliness and audacity, look like they no more want to obstinately keep their ugly lines. The buildings diffuse their presence in every direction. Space is liquefied. Time is fluid. The camera attached to the palm of a hand registering every moment. But now it is starting to capture scenes by itself! There is no eye to direct the lens. The camera follows the movement of the body and keeps on recording with a sense of its own...
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