Your Καλαθι
Sounds of silence

Το Sounds of Silence - Modern Jazz Combinations είναι το αποτέλεσμα της πολύχρονης έρευνας του Μάρκου Αλεξίου πάνω στις κλίμακες, τις συγχορδίες και τους συνδυασμούς τους, όπως χρησιμοποιούνται στον αυτοσχεδιασμό και τη σύνθεση της σύγχρονης τζαζ, αλλά και άλλων σύγχρονων μουσικών ρευμάτων.
1. My Funny Clementine - free chromatic reharmonization
2. Atonality - free chords on pedal (one tone)
3. Chords on a descending chromatic scale, with a melodic line based on major triads
4. Replacing the dominant V in a II-V-I sequence
5. Bitonal improvisation on a pedal
6. Multi-chordal improvisation on a pedal
7. Miltiades and Herodotus - original composition
8. 12tone improvisation on a freely inspired harmony
9. Multi-chordal improvisation on a pedal (2)
10. Bitonal and multi-chordal improvisation on a pedal
11. Blues 1- Example of minor blues harmonization
12. Blues 2a-b (a: accompanying chords in 2nds b: free accompanying chords)
13. Blues 3a-b (a: accompanying chords on a chromatic b: accompanying chords on a chromatic, with major triads)
14. Blues 4- Free blues harmonization
15. Blues 5a-b-c-d-e –(a: accompanying chords moving chromatically- b: accompanying chords with major triads moving chromatically - c: accompanying chords with major triads moving freely, and chromatically - d: free chords with major triads e: accompanying chords with major triads moving chromatically
16. Little Blues - original composition
17. Improvisation example, with chord substitutions
18. Improvisation in mixed bitonal scales with free harmonization
19. Replacing the dominant V in a II-V sequence
20. The Great Guitar Player - original composition
21. Chordal improvisation- example
22. Improvisation on pedal using “Mixed bitonal scales” - example
23. Improvisation on pedal using “Mixed bitonal scales” on chromatic and free chords- example
24. Complaint - original composition
25. Montuno 1 - II-V-I with modulations, moving on a whole tone Montuno 2 - II-V in melodic minor, without cadence to I
26. Montuno 3 - alternative harmonization Montuno 4 – alternative harmonization (2)
27. Montuno 5 - alternative harmonization on ascending chromatic Montuno 6 - alternative harmonization on interrupted chromatic
28. Montuno 7 - alternative harmonization on descending chromatic
29. Montuno 8 - alternative harmonization in 4ths Montuno 9 - alternative harmonization on interrupted chromatic (2)
30. Stratos Theme - original composition
31. Reharmonising a melody- example
32. Reharmonising a melody - example
33. Harmonising one note with a chord sequence
34. II-V-I Combination
35. Doriana - original composition
36. Requiem to George - original composition
37. II-V ????? combi
38. Round the Evening - reharmonization
39. Constructing original scales and chords
40. The Coming of the 8th Day - original composition
41. Hiding “alien” scales in chords and improvisation
42. Constructing scales with added note
43. Supplementing an added note
44. Supplementing an added note (2)
45. My Funny Clementine - reharmonization
1. My Funny Clementine - free chromatic reharmonization
2. Atonality - free chords on pedal (one tone)
3. Chords on a descending chromatic scale, with a melodic line based on major triads
4. Replacing the dominant V in a II-V-I sequence
5. Bitonal improvisation on a pedal
6. Multi-chordal improvisation on a pedal
7. Miltiades and Herodotus - original composition
8. 12tone improvisation on a freely inspired harmony
9. Multi-chordal improvisation on a pedal (2)
10. Bitonal and multi-chordal improvisation on a pedal
11. Blues 1- Example of minor blues harmonization
12. Blues 2a-b (a: accompanying chords in 2nds b: free accompanying chords)
13. Blues 3a-b (a: accompanying chords on a chromatic b: accompanying chords on a chromatic, with major triads)
14. Blues 4- Free blues harmonization
15. Blues 5a-b-c-d-e –(a: accompanying chords moving chromatically- b: accompanying chords with major triads moving chromatically - c: accompanying chords with major triads moving freely, and chromatically - d: free chords with major triads e: accompanying chords with major triads moving chromatically
16. Little Blues - original composition
17. Improvisation example, with chord substitutions
18. Improvisation in mixed bitonal scales with free harmonization
19. Replacing the dominant V in a II-V sequence
20. The Great Guitar Player - original composition
21. Chordal improvisation- example
22. Improvisation on pedal using “Mixed bitonal scales” - example
23. Improvisation on pedal using “Mixed bitonal scales” on chromatic and free chords- example
24. Complaint - original composition
25. Montuno 1 - II-V-I with modulations, moving on a whole tone Montuno 2 - II-V in melodic minor, without cadence to I
26. Montuno 3 - alternative harmonization Montuno 4 – alternative harmonization (2)
27. Montuno 5 - alternative harmonization on ascending chromatic Montuno 6 - alternative harmonization on interrupted chromatic
28. Montuno 7 - alternative harmonization on descending chromatic
29. Montuno 8 - alternative harmonization in 4ths Montuno 9 - alternative harmonization on interrupted chromatic (2)
30. Stratos Theme - original composition
31. Reharmonising a melody- example
32. Reharmonising a melody - example
33. Harmonising one note with a chord sequence
34. II-V-I Combination
35. Doriana - original composition
36. Requiem to George - original composition
37. II-V ????? combi
38. Round the Evening - reharmonization
39. Constructing original scales and chords
40. The Coming of the 8th Day - original composition
41. Hiding “alien” scales in chords and improvisation
42. Constructing scales with added note
43. Supplementing an added note
44. Supplementing an added note (2)
45. My Funny Clementine - reharmonization
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