Your Καλαθι
Aspects of meaning- making through translation

The book addresses an audience with no prior knowledge of the intricacies of translation practice and allows a rather pervasive view into issues arising in the study of translation. It shows how the study of translation may capture a reader’s attention and what scholarly issues it may give rise to. It tackles systemic-functional, cognitive and societal aspects of the transfer phenomenon between English and Greek, from both a synchronic and a diachronic perspective. It starts with pragmatic perspectives of meaning-making, moves to cognitive aspects of translation and interpreting, goes on with aspects of tourism translation and globalization and ends up with diachronic perspectives to gender in translation and diachronic aspects of the history of translation in the West. It is a collaborative work of the translation team of the Department of English Language and Literature, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and owes a lot to insights gained by the authors’ interaction with undergraduate and postgraduate translation students of the Department, which is always insightful and productive.
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