Your Καλαθι
The new international criminal law
2001 international law session

The twenty ninth annual Session of the Institute of International Public Law and International Relations of Thessaloniki held in September 2001, focused on the new International Criminal Law. In the framework of this session special emphasis was given on: sources of the new International Criminal Law, international co-operation, the crime of genocide, victim reparations, international crimes, the jurisprudence of the international Criminal Court, individual criminal responsibility and the work of the International Criminal Ttribunals for Rwanda and the Yugoslavia.
These important topics were analysed by eminent professors, experts of international organizations and diplomats from all over the world: Professor C. Bassiouni from the USA, President, International Human Rights Law Institute, President, International Association of Penal Law and President, International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences, Professor C. Warbrick from the U.K., Professor A. Pellet from France, member and former Chairman, International Law Commision of the U.N., Professor D. Shelton from the U.S.A., Professor U. Leanza from Italy, Chief Legal Adviser, Italian Foreign Office, Professor M.C. Ciciriello from Italy, Dean and Professor R. Pangalangan from the Philippines, Professor O. Triffterer from Austria, Professor H. von Hebel from the Netherlands, SeniorLegal Officer, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yogoslavia, Judge A. de Z. Gunawardana from Sri Lanka, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Dr W. Fenrick from Canada, Senior Legal Adviser, Office of Prosecutor, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.
This volume also contains the most important travaux pratiques elabortated by young promising scientists during the session.
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