Your Καλαθι
Things contemplated and reassigned
This is Amateur

Ο Σάββας Χριστοδουλίδης πραγματεύεται εκδοχές ενός ιδεολογικού ολισθήματος και υποδεικνύει τη δημιουργία νέων σχέσεων στο χώρο και το χρόνο. Στα έργα του χρησιμοποιεί παλιά αντικείμενα της καθημερινότητας, συνθέτοντας μια νέα ενότητα. Με τον τρόπο αυτό, τα αντικείμενα αποβάλλουν τις μνήμες και τις φόρμες τους, και αποκτούν νέες ερμηνείες και αξίες. Στο αποτέλεσμα συνυπάρχουν η νοσταλγία με την ενατένιση, δημιουργώντας αυτό που ο καλλιτέχνης αποκαλεί «μνημονικό πλέγμα», ένα συνταίριασμα πραγμάτων και απόψεων.
Το βιβλίο «Αντικείμενα περισυλλογής και νέας ευθύνης» περιλαμβάνει φωτογραφίες των έργων του καλλιτέχνη και της εγκατάστασής τους στο χώρο. Εκδόθηκε με αφορμή την έκθεση του Σάββα Χριστοδουλίδη στο Κέντρο.
Savvas Christodoulides presents his new solo show, entitled "Things Contemplated and Reassigned", at the Ileana Tounta Contemporary Art Centre from October 4th to November 10th 2012.
Christodoulides' oeuvre covers more than twenty years of creativity with numerous solo and group shows in Europe, all sharing as a common ground the versatile artistic expression; an expression that deals with constructions or interpretations of an ideological lapse and indicates the creation of new relationships in time and space.
The elegant and eloquent scepticism becomes the artist's medium with which he bridges the distance between the imminent reality and the value of lyricism. The authenticity of Christodoulides' oeuvre consists of an elegiac sequence and the historical narration that this includes. Contemplated objects -familiar or of a second use- are being reassigned to express, through the new reference and usage that the artist attributes to them, a new condition. The new ideological assignment, questioned by the components of the work, is being transacted and deliberated by the artist. The value of each work lies in an area of a confessional narration where individual and collective memories coincide and coexist.
The majority of his works are variations of a structured memory where nostalgia and contemplation create what the artists names ‘memorial grid‘: a complex of objects and opinions. Models of a sculpture that embraces architecture's rationality without restrictions, the works "experience" the time and the place that accepts them. They constitute strong revelations of the intimate and the absolute inner state that determines it.
photo: Ladders joint together (2012),Wood-aluminium 220x280x100 cm.
Το βιβλίο «Αντικείμενα περισυλλογής και νέας ευθύνης» περιλαμβάνει φωτογραφίες των έργων του καλλιτέχνη και της εγκατάστασής τους στο χώρο. Εκδόθηκε με αφορμή την έκθεση του Σάββα Χριστοδουλίδη στο Κέντρο.
Savvas Christodoulides presents his new solo show, entitled "Things Contemplated and Reassigned", at the Ileana Tounta Contemporary Art Centre from October 4th to November 10th 2012.
Christodoulides' oeuvre covers more than twenty years of creativity with numerous solo and group shows in Europe, all sharing as a common ground the versatile artistic expression; an expression that deals with constructions or interpretations of an ideological lapse and indicates the creation of new relationships in time and space.
The elegant and eloquent scepticism becomes the artist's medium with which he bridges the distance between the imminent reality and the value of lyricism. The authenticity of Christodoulides' oeuvre consists of an elegiac sequence and the historical narration that this includes. Contemplated objects -familiar or of a second use- are being reassigned to express, through the new reference and usage that the artist attributes to them, a new condition. The new ideological assignment, questioned by the components of the work, is being transacted and deliberated by the artist. The value of each work lies in an area of a confessional narration where individual and collective memories coincide and coexist.
The majority of his works are variations of a structured memory where nostalgia and contemplation create what the artists names ‘memorial grid‘: a complex of objects and opinions. Models of a sculpture that embraces architecture's rationality without restrictions, the works "experience" the time and the place that accepts them. They constitute strong revelations of the intimate and the absolute inner state that determines it.
photo: Ladders joint together (2012),Wood-aluminium 220x280x100 cm.
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